Learn to manage your finances first, so you can become a world traveler

- How to Prepare for a RecessionInflation. Rising interest rates. The collapse of FTX and Silicon Valley Bank. A recession’s coming. Some would argue that we’ve been in one. By definition (Two consecutive quarters of declining GDP (Gross Domestic Product)), America isn’t in one yet as the economy has grown the last two quarters. But it’s coming. I don’t know when.… Read more: How to Prepare for a Recession
- Tips for Staying Safe While Traveling SoloLet’s address the elephant in the room. Yes, it’s perfectly normal to travel by yourself! I’ve gotten a few puzzled looks when telling people I travel by myself. As if there’s a stigma associated with solo travel! I think the stigma is actually jealousy. Because they probably don’t have the ability to travel due to… Read more: Tips for Staying Safe While Traveling Solo
- 10 Essential Travel Apps That You NeedThere are a lot of great apps out there that can make traveling so much easier. Here are my 10 favorite apps that I believe are essential to travel, and guess what?? 9 of them are free!!! This is the only app on the list that I suggest paying for (Find another friend that enjoys… Read more: 10 Essential Travel Apps That You Need
- Traveling Safely as a Woman and the Gift of FearTraveling safely is a concern for anyone, especially for solo travelers. It’s even more important for female solo travelers. While I can give you plenty of tips for traveling solo, I’m a guy, and so I felt it was more appropriate to ask my friend Candice Elliott to give some advice on how women can… Read more: Traveling Safely as a Woman and the Gift of Fear
- Travel to Europe is Changing in 2023Starting in May of 2023, residents of the US and 57 other countries (See table below) traveling to Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, and Monaco will need to register… Read more: Travel to Europe is Changing in 2023
- What to do if Your Flight Gets Cancelled or Delayed?Two words that will make a traveler cringe…..FLIGHT CANCELLATIONS. Traveling is an absolute shit show these days. I read a story recently about a family that missed out on their Mediterranean cruise vacation because their connecting flight from NYC to Greece was cancelled and that was the ONLY flight to Greece that day. Reading that… Read more: What to do if Your Flight Gets Cancelled or Delayed?
- Broke-Traveler’s Bucket List